Clubmate Update

October 7, 2023
Last Updated:
October 7, 2023

Previously, the LDAA announced that we are switching to an app-based membership platform called Clubmate.

The LDAA is making quick progress with integrating Clubmate as our membership platform.

We will announce the release of the app once it is ready to go live.

Essentially, you can download the app when ready or register/log in through the website to manage your membership.

The LDAA will stop printing cards for the majority of our members, however, cards can still be acquired through request only. Nonetheless, the utilisation of this technology essentially means that you won't require a card as a bailiff will be to check your membership status on the bank.

This is new technology for the association and will benefit us in the long-term, please bear with us and our bailiffs in the meantime.

Any questions, please email

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