Johnson & Smith Winter League Round 6 Sat 2nd March 2024

March 6, 2024
Last Updated:
March 6, 2024

This Saturday Lincoln and District Angling Association hosted the final round of The Johnson and Smith Winter League which was also run in conjunction with The Grant Butterfield Memorial.


On the day the canal was still carrying a lot colour, but had a nice steady pull towards Torksey. Once again it was Dave Ashmore (Grimsby) who took the honours off peg 1 at the Bridge. Dave fished groundbait and pinkie at 3 metres for Roach and a bonus bream of 5lb, to finish with 10lb 4oz. In second place was the ever consistent John Small (Lincoln), with 3lb 14oz of roach to groundbait and pinkie fished short off peg 3 at the Bridge. Alister Olgvie finishing in third place off peg 4 again at the Bridge with 3lb 2oz of roach to pinkie fished short.


Section winners were; Section A. Neil Fletcher 2lb 5oz. Section B. Rob Thorley 1lb 11oz.


The league was won with a brilliant display of canal fishing throughout the six matches by John Small(Lincoln) with 34 points. In second place was another Lincoln angler, Rob Thorley with 32 points and in third place was Paul Cannon (Goole) also with 32 points but with less section wins. Dave Ashmore finished in the final pay-out place with 30 points.


The Knock-out was won by Neil Fletcher with Paul Cannon runner-up.


Match organiser John Blades would like to thank all who took part and for Lincoln and District AA for hosting the event and big thankyou to Johnson and Smith who once again sponsored the League.


Pic. Match Winner Dave Ashmore and League Winner John Small.

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